Commissioners receive August Juvenile Department report

Board of Commissioners 9-24-2024

ALBANY — Some 29 young people were held by the Linn County Juvenile Department in August, Deputy Director Rob Perkins told Commissioners Will Tucker and Sherrie Sprenger Tuesday morning.

Board Chair Roger Nyquist was not present.

Perkins said 21 of those youth were from Linn County, held for 271 total days. There were 18 males and three females.

Four young people — one female and three males — were from Benton County, held for 36 total days and four were from Lincoln County — one female and three males — held for 38 total days of care.

The average daily population was about 11 and the average length of stay was 11 days.   

There are 197 youth on probation, or pending court, with 30 assessed as high-risk.

There are 115 youth under the Community Programs Unit and the Intervention Specialist is working with 81 youth. A search is underway for an Intervention Specialist to serve youth from Lebanon and Sweet Home.

The victim advocate made 93 contacts in August.

The Tier 1 work crew — 12 youth — completed 127 hours of community service and the Tier 2 work crew — 16 youth — completed 231 hours of service.

Perkins thanked the staff at the Fair & Expo Center for providing space for a training session about how to work with people in poverty led by Dr. Donna Beagle. Perkins said more than 80 people from the Juvenile Department and other community partners participated.

In other business, the commissioners:

  • Approved a resolution between the State of Oregon Department of Forestry and the Linn County Sheriff’s Office, to allow the LCSO to place new fire radio equipment on Buck Mountain. The annual fee is $7,778.37, but the Oregon Department of Transportation is providing a credit of $28,780 toward costs already incurred for remodeling/improving a radio shelter at the site. Further ongoing costs will be split by Linn County Fire Agencies and Linn County Emergency Telephone Agency 911 tax collections.
  • Approved an application by Ron Brockmann for a zoning map amendment, shifting 4.38 acres from Urban Growth Area-Urban Growth Management to Urban Growth Area-Limited Industrial.
  • Announced that more than one commissioner may be at the Lebanon Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting Friday afternoon.


Media contact: Alex Paul, Linn County Communications Officer, 541-967-3825 or email