Nyquist retains Board of Commissioners chairmanship

Roger Nyquist

ALBANY — Roger Nyquist will chair the Linn County Board of Commissioners for the 21st year, after being elected Tuesday morning by fellow commissioners Sherrie Sprenger and Will Tucker.

Nyquist, 62, began serving as a Linn County commissioner in January 2001 and is in his sixth term.

At the first board meeting of 2022, the commissioners discussed rotating the chairmanship, but Tuesday chose to maintain status quo with Commissioner Tucker as vice-chair.

Commissioner Sprenger will chair the Linn County 4-H and Extension Service District, with Tucker as vice-chair.

Tucker will represent the board at upcoming Association of Oregon Counties meetings.

Sprenger — who is a proponent of rotating the chairmanship — said that all three commissioners have the experience and knowledge to chair the board and provide good service to the citizens of the county.

In other business, the commissioners:

  • Agreed to pay $2,680 from the General Fund to clear up a property tax issue for the City of Sodaville. Habitat for Humanity transferred four lots to the city of Sodaville in exchange for a single lot in 2014. The four lots had not been deemed tax exempt. So, for the year of the transfer, taxes and interest are owed. The city takes in only about $8,000 per year in property taxes. This action will clean up the issue.
  • Appointed Assessor Andy Stevens as the county’s Tax Collector.
  • Appointed John Kennedy III of Lebanon and Robert Snyder of Sweet Home as Justice of the Peace Pro Tempore for District 4.
  • Designated the Albany Democrat-Herald, Lebanon Express and The New Era of Sweet Home as official newspapers for the purpose of legal advertising.
  • Approved an intergovernmental agreement between Linn County Road Department and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to reduce damage caused by wildlife. The agreement is for $12,500 and only affects road right-of-way areas.
  • Sold by sealed bidding two slivers of property at Ermine and 32nd Ave. in Albany. One was 750 square feet and sold for $100 plus fees to Nancy and Robert Alexander. The other was 950 square feet and sold for $10 plus fees to James Wach.
  • Welcomed Kelcey Young to Linn County. She is the new Sweet Home city manager.


Media contact: Alex Paul, Linn County Communications officer, 541-967-3825 or email apaul@co.linn.or.us.