Butte Creek, Sand Ridge Road Bridge
Linn County Road Department
Capital Improvements
Butte Creek, Sand Ridge Road Bridge
Project Description:
The Sand Ridge Road over Butte Creek bridge is a 3-span, prestressed/precast concrete structure founded on timber piles and steel caps. It was built in 1962. The original timber caps have decayed to a point to where they were replaced with steel caps. Many of the timber piles are severely decayed, checked and split. Some of the more damaged piles have had temporary steel helper piles installed adjacent to them. In addition to the structural issues, the existing bridge has substandard bridge rails and a narrow roadway width of only 24.0 feet.
It is proposed that the existing bridge will be replaced with a single-span prestressed concrete box beam bridge founded on steel pile with reinforced concrete abutments and wingwalls. The roadway width will be 33’-4” to support future traffic needs better accommodate pedestrians and bicycles that use this road. The bridge will also include new approach rails and reinforced concrete end panels at each bridge end to minimize bumps that typically form at bridge abutments.
Additional right of way may need to be acquired from adjacent property owners to accommodate the proposed structure width.
During construction, the road will be closed at the bridge site and traffic will be detoured.
- Source: State
- Preliminary Engineering: $456,407.00
- Construction: $2,299,500.00
- Total Project Cost: $2,755,907.00
- County Share: $283,031.65
Schedule of Funding Obligations:
- Preliminary Engineering: FFY2025
- Construction: FFY2027
County Facility Number: BR0412-0061
Project Number: CB1101
ODOT Key Number: KN22006
Please email roads@co.linn.or.us if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.