Cox Creek, Goldfish Farm Road Bridge

Project No: 
Project Type:
Goldfish Bridge Vicinity

Linn County Road Department

Capital Improvements

Cox Creek, Goldfish Farm Road Bridge

Project Description:

Goldfish Farm Road over Cox Creek is located near the Albany Airport and provided access to local homes and businesses.  The road is classified as an Urban Minor Arterial.

The existing 2-span, 53-foot bridge is comprised of precast/prestressed slabs on timber foundations.  The bridge has issues in both the superstructure and the substructure, and is considered “Structurally Deficient”.  The beams have exposed rebar due to spalling concrete.  The timber substructure has many areas of decay, crushing, splitting, and pile ends not making contact with the caps.  Bent 2 cap is decayed its entire length.  The bridge rails do not meet current standards, and approach rails are non-existent.  Because of the extensive decay in the Bent 2 timber, temporary shoring was installed in 2018 to keep the road open to all traffic.  The timber substructure at all bents will continue to decay if the structure is not replaced.

The existing bridge will be replaced with a single-span prestressed concrete bridge founded on steel pile and reinforced concrete abutments and wingwalls. The bridge width will be comprised of a 42’ to support future traffic needs and will include 6’ sidewalks on each side better accommodate pedestrians and bicycles that use this road. The bridge will also include reinforced concrete end panels at each bridge end to minimize bumps that typically form at bridge abutments.

During construction, the road will be closed at the bridge site and traffic will be detoured.


  • Source: State
  • Preliminary Engineering: $630,500
  • Right of Way: $87,600
  • Utility Relocation: $5,600
  • Construction: $2,533,200
  • Total Project Cost: $3,256,900.00
  • County Share: $334,483.63

Schedule of Funding Obligations:

  • Preliminary Engineering: FFY2021
  • Right of Way: FFY2023
  • Utility Relocation: FFY2024
  • Construction: FFY2024

County Facility Number: BR0328-0036

Project Number: CB2101

ODOT Key Number: KN22000

Please email if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.