Cox Creek, Waverly Drive Bridge (City of Millersburg)
Linn County Road Department
Capital Improvements
Cox Creek, Waverly Drive Bridge (City of Millersburg)
Project Description:
The Waverly Drive Bridge over Cox Creek is on an urban road that provides sole access to city park areas, city bike trail system, a railroad maintenance center, and a portion of the city domestic sewage treatment system. The bridge has a sufficiency rating provided by ODOT that is only based on one lane since the other lane has been closed due to poor structural and unsafe condition of the bridge. The sufficiency rating should be about 3 out of 100. An updated load rating needs to be completed to reflect the poor condition of the concrete bridge slabs and deteriorated timber substructure. The active portion of the bridge provides only one lane of traffic without any space for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. The bridge needs to be replaced to provide a safe crossing of Cox Creek for pedestrians and vehicles..
It is proposed that the existing bridge be removed and replaced with a single span prestressed concrete bridge. The bridge will be widened to support bicycle and pedestrian traffic and meet ADA requirements. A longer span bridge will be used to avoid bank erosion issues to address the potential scour caused by a large flood event.
Additional right of way may need to be acquired from adjacent property owners to accommodate the proposed structure cross section.
During construction, the road will be open to a single lane of traffic and the new bridge will be constructed in 2 phases.
Linn County is administering this project on behalf of the City of Millersburg through an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Millersburg.
- Source: Federal
- Preliminary Engineering: $823,628.00
- Right of Way: $88,700.00
- Construction: $3,923,500.00
- Total Project Cost: $4,835,828.00
- City of Millersburg Share: $496,640.00
- County Share: $0.00
Schedule of Funding Obligations:
- Preliminary Engineering: FFY2023
- Right of Way: FFY2025
- Construction: FFY2026
Facility Number: BR0324-0000
Project Number: BS148B
ODOT Key Number: KN23143
Please email if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.