Murder Creek, Nygren Road Bridge
Linn County Road Department
Capital Improvements
Murder Creek, Nygren Road Bridge
Project Description:
The Nygren Road bridge over Murder Creek provides sole access directly to a number of industrial businesses that hire hundreds of people in the local area. The bridge has scour issues at the spread footings on each end that needs to be addressed. The structure also needs to have asphalt removed from the deck and then be repaved and needs a bridge rail that meets current design standards. The current bridge rail is a substandard timber rail. The bridge also has exposed rebar and minor spalling on the slabs. This bridge is heavily used by truck traffic with 39% of trips being trucks. The bridge is surrounded by utilities and has a very large vertical under-clearance considering the span length making an out right replacement cost prohibitive.
It is proposed that the existing bridge be rehabilitated. This would primarily be to install scour protection, remove the existing asphalt and replace it with a new 2" overlay to improve the Inventory Rating, and to replace the bridge rail with an approved side mount rail. Additional items to be done would include patching all the slabs and abutments at the exposed rebar and spalling sections. The work will be cost effective compared to an outright replacement and can be a long-term solution to keeping this structure open for the businesses that need it.
Additional right of way may need to be acquired from adjacent property owners to accommodate the proposed structure cross section.
During construction, the road will be open to a single lane of traffic.
- Source: Federal
- Preliminary Engineering: $135,600.00
- Right of Way: $25,300.00
- Construction: $816,600.00
- Total Project Cost: $977,500.00
- County Share: $100,389.25
Schedule of Funding Obligations:
- Preliminary Engineering: FFY2025
- Right of Way: FFY2026
- Construction: FFY2027
County Facility Number: BR0316-0002
Project Number: TBD
Please email if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.