North River Drive Improvement

Project No: 
Project Type:
North river 1 Vicinity

Linn County Road Department

Capital Improvements

North River Drive Improvement

Project Description:

The North River Drive Roadway Improvement project will include a combination of improvements to meet current and future needs. The project begins at the intersection of North River Drive and Quartzville Road and ends at the intersection of North River Drive and Foster Dam Road. The following are improvements to be included with this project:

  • Widening the gravel roadway shoulders for safer bicycle and pedestrian use, and realignment of the geometry of curved sections of roadway will improve roadside safety and improve access for truck traffic to vital natural resources along this natural corridor.
  • Asphalt pavement overlay to protect and preserve the existing roadway.
  • Construction of an additional access and parking lot at Lewis Creek Park to alleviate overflow parking along the roadway shoulders due to over capacity of the existing parking lots.
  • Construct improvements to the current entrances to Gedney Creek boat ramp.
  • Repair/stabilization of a slide area and roadway repair.

During construction, the road will be closed and traffic will be detoured. Access to local traffic will be allowed for residents and businesses.


  • Source: Federal (WFL*)
  • Total Project Cost: $3,135,312
  • County Share: $321,997

Schedule of Funding Obligations:

  • Preliminary Engineering: FFY2020
  • Construction: FFY2023

County Facility Number: CR0035

Project Number: CR1701

*Western Federal Lands

Please email if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.