Tangent Drive Improvement
Linn County Road Department
Capital Improvements
Tangent Drive Improvement
Project Description:
The project starts at the intersection of Tangent Drive and State Highway 99E and continues east to Meadow Wood Street, or 3,100 feet. The proposed enhancements may include two, twelve-foot-wide travel lanes, two 5 foot wide bike lanes, curb, gutter, and a six-foot sidewalk along the south and/or north side of Tangent Drive. A four to six-foot-wide vegetative strip may be located on one or both sides of the road to separate sidewalks from vehicle traffic and provide stormwater collection, retention and treatment to comply with current environmental rules. A separate stormwater collection and treatment system (large vegetated swale or pond) in property downgradient of Tangent Drive may also be installed.
Additional right of way may need to be acquired from adjacent property owners to accommodate the proposed roadway cross section.
During construction, the road may be closed and traffic may be detoured. Access to local traffic will be allowed for residents and businesses.
- Source: State / AAMPO / County
- Total Project Cost: $3,100,000
- State Share: $461,968.79
- AAMPO* Share: $884,750
- County Share: $1,869,474.34
Schedule of Funding Obligations:
- Preliminary Engineering: FFY2024
- Construction: FFY2026
County Facility Number: CR0022
Project Number: CR2301
*Albany Area Metropolitan Planning Organization
Please email roads@co.linn.or.us if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.