Upper Calapooia Drive Bridges
Linn County Road Department
Capital Improvements
Upper Calapooia Drive Bridges
Project Description:
Upper Calapooia Drive provides access to federal lands owned and managed by the United States Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. The lands are primarily managed for timber production and are presently being evaluated for recreational and public use since an upper segment of this road has recently been opened to the public. Until February 2018, this segment of the Upper Calapooia Drive was gated and not owned or maintained by Linn County, but is now under the jurisdiction of Linn County.
The 5 bridges on this section of road are narrow, single lane bridges. Four of the bridges have no rails, and the fifth bridge has substandard rails. There are evidence of scour and slope erosion under the bridges, indicating that their spans are too short.
The proposed work will replace all five bridges on this segment with longer, two-lane bridges. These new two-lane bridges will provide a much safer corridor for all vehicles. The winding road in the wooded area restricts sight distance. It is not uncommon for vehicles traveling in opposite directions to meet at the bridges. The wider bridges will allow for vehicles to pass on the bridge, and minimize accidents, as evident by impact damage at the ends of some of the bridges.
During construction, the road may be open to a single lane of traffic, or may be closed for short durations.
- Source: Federal (WFL*)
- Total Project Cost: $7,025,250.80
- County Share: $100,389.25
- Preliminary Engineering: FFY2027
- Construction: FFY2029
County Facility Numbers: BR0759-1107, BR0759-1458, BR0759-1727, BR0759-1827, and BR0759-2322
Project Number: TBD
ODOT Key Number: KN23557
*Western Federal Lands
Please email roads@co.linn.or.us if you have any comments or questions regarding this project.