Partners & Resources

Why partner with Harm Reduction?

  • Partnering with us can lead to more visibility for your agency. By promoting your services alongside ours, we both benefit! 
  • We are currently partnered with many different agencies and the list is growing. 
  • Please email to discuss how we can help each other in serving Linn County

End HIV Oregon

  • Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and community initiative designed to reduce the spread of HIV in Oregon and ensure that all people living with HIV have access to high-quality care, free from stigma and discrimination. This includes: 
    • Testing for HIV 
    • Linking clients to care (or referring to prevention services, if negative)
    • Ensuring continued care 
    • Transferring into HIV case management
  • Early Intervention Service Outreach (EISO) includes five components:
    • HIV testing
    • Referral services
    • Health literacy and education
    • Access and linkage to care
    • Outreach


Family Assistance and Resource Center Group

Harm Reduction Coalition

CDC: Stop HIV Together

OHA: Early Intervention Services and Outreach Program

Samaritan Infectious Disease
