WIC Nutrition Program
What is WIC?
WIC is a public health nutrition program designed to improve health outcomes and influence lifetime nutrition and health behaviors in a targeted, at-risk population by providing:
- Nutrition Education
- Breastfeeding Support and Services
- Supplemental Nutritious Foods
- Referral to Community Programs
The WIC supplemental foods offered each month are not intended to meet all the nutritional needs for a balanced diet, but to help enhance the specific nutrients that are important during pregnancy/lactation in women, and rapid growth periods in infancy and young children.
Do I Qualify for WIC?
Eligibility is based on four criteria. To be eligible for WIC you must:
- Be an Oregon resident.
- Be a pregnant, postpartum or breastfeeding woman, an infant or a child under 5 years old.
- Have a nutritional need or risk.
- Have a household income less than 185% of the federal poverty limit.
You can visit the Oregon WIC income eligibility section to learn whether you might qualify. Individuals who can prove fully eligible for Medicaid/Oregon Health Plan, TANF, SNAP/Food Stamps or FDPIR are automatically income eligible for WIC.

Nutrition Education
Nutrition education is the cornerstone of the WIC Program. Linn County WIC offers a variety of nutrition education opportunities, where participants can learn about current nutrition and health information specific to their personal interests and health goals.
Linn County WIC has nutrition professionals available at no cost to assist participants with challenging nutrition concerns.

Breastfeeding Support Services
Linn County WIC has breastfeeding professionals available at no cost to assist participants with breastfeeding.
For more information, contact
Leah Brunson, B.S, IBCLC
Linn County Health Services
Cell Phone 541-801-1407
Desk phone 541-967-3888 ext 2619
Linn County is an active participant in the Linn Benton Lincoln Breastfeeding Coalition.

Supplemental Nutritious Foods
For current information regarding WIC food packages please visit Oregon State WIC website.
Please note that the Linn County WIC program does not provide emergency food services.

Food Benefits are on the eWIC card
Shopping is so much easier with eWIC!
- Food benefits are on an electronic card, similar to a debit card. You can use the card at the store to pay for WIC items much faster at the checkout lane.
- With your eWIC card, you can purchase what you need when you want, instead of buying everything at one time.
- WIC benefits for everyone in the household are on the same card, so it is easier to keep track of. And sometimes you'll be able to buy bigger sizes.
Learn more about how to use eWIC and where you can use it in your neighborhood by visiting the Oregon eWic website.
Learn about Farmer's Market Vouchers
Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to:
USDA Director
Office of Adjudication
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20250-9410
or call (800)877-8339 for English/ (800) 845-6136 for Spanish.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.